Latest News
Registration Open for 2025 Season
We are pleased to advise that as of 31 January 2025 the 2025 season is open for registration.
So go ahead and....
Register NOW!!!
Summer Football Finals Draw
After some close games on friday night we are all set to go for the last games of the summer season! Catch you friday!
Summer Football 2022 Rules
Kia ora team,
Looking forward to getting back into football!! Happy holidays and see you next year!
WAAFC Annual General Meeting 2021
West Auckland Association Football and Sports Club Inc. Annual General Meeting 2021
Monday 6 of December - 7.30 pm Brains Park, Tamariki Ave, Kelston
Meeting Rules
To vote at the annual general members must hold a current 2021 membership card.
Nominations for members of the Committee shall be called and accepted from the members present at the annual general m
2021 Prize Giving Video Announcements
From the 8 November to 13 November we will be celebrating our end of season with prize giving video's. Each night at 5pm (ish) we will post a video for a section of the club on our Facebook page and our website . The timeline will be as follows:
Monday: Chairperson's Report 2021
Tuesday: First Kicks
Wednesday: Junior Football
Thursday: Youth Football
Kitchen Contractor Opportunity Available

West Auckland Football Club has been based at Brains Park in the heart of Kelston since 1966. Throughout the years we have provided a place for the West Auckland community to come and play a great quality of football and we pride ourselves on being a place where the whole family can come and play the sport that we all love.
We now have a fantastic opportunity for a contractor to join us i
Club Working Bee

Saturday 10 April 9.00am to 12.30pm
It's that time of year again when we come together to make sure the club's facilities, kit and gear is spick and span and ready to go.
Many hands make light work so please come down to the club rooms to lend a hand.
Online registrations are now open!

You are now able to register online by going to the registration page on our website
Click here to be lauch the registration page
If you need assistance with the online registration please email:
Our volunteers will also be at the club rooms every Wednesday evening starting from the 24th February (6pm - 8pm) to help you register.
New Look Website

West Auckland AFC is proud to announce the launch of our new website!
In partnership with Friendly Manager, the WAAFC Committee have worked across the holiday period to build our new, uesr friending site. There are many great featurs or the site, including managing your registeration directly from the Register page.
We will be keeping all of our memebers and friends of the c